Day 4 and 5 day 4 gave me a chance to attend quite a few talks. In the morning Girish Ramakrishnan and Prashanth had a open session for anyone interested in Qt, so I got a few things clarified about MVC in Qt, and had a quick introduction to QGraphicsView ( I haven't got around to trying it yet ).
Then I spent the afternoon compiling trunk, again with repeated power failures, until I finally had a really great KDE desktop.…
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This was KDE Project of the Day at
This was best captured by Sujith, so you should go there.
My slides “My next KDE application” …
Read more ⟶ Day 2
( Forgive the past/present tense conflicts )
My computer started behaving oddly ( again ) today. It has a tendency to randomly shut off once in a while. I'm not sure if it is due to over heating or some issue with the power supply. This is interrupting a lot of my compiles or svn updates. The rest of the KDE dev gang arrived today — Akarsh, Prakash, Sujith and Kashyap.…
Read more ⟶ Day 1
( This series of posts was published on 6th Dec 2009, but written almost daily )
Today was the first day of and although getting to the place was a bit of a hassle due to everything new, I did get there on time. A great opening by Atul Chitnis formally started Chana masala was the first thing on my mind after that since I hadn't eaten in hours.…
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Automatic builds with some inotify magic
The inotify feature in the linux kernel allows you to receive events about changed files. Using pyinotify, here is a simple script to watch for changes to source code and run "make". Everything is hard coded right now, and since I was using CMake with out-of-source builds, the directory structure is that way. It also uses the command line notify-send tool to display notifications. Perhaps some day I will make it configurable and more useful.…
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Worse is Better
Code Hale shows that sometimes performance needs to be sacrificed for security. Premature optimisation is the root of evil :p …
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Chrome: Little UI touches
I forgot to mention that I made a life changing decision change of browser about 2 weeks ago. I've been exclusively on Chrome ever since. I love the minimalist look, the great search features for downloads and the best feature is perhaps Ctrl+PgUp/Dn to switch tabs. Its also very fast on shutdown and startup compared to my firefox, almost Firebug like Developer Tools, really awesome view-source: component ( inspired by kio?…
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Macros for Observers
Here are two little macros too make implementing the Observer design pattern less repetitive. This is C++
File: observermacros.h
#define MAKE_OBSERVABLE( obscls ) \
void addObserver( obscls *obs ) {\
m_observers.push_back( obs );\
void delObserver( obscls *obs ) {\
m_observers.remove( obs );\
#define NOTIFY( obscls, obsmethod, argument ) \
for( std::list::const_iterator it = m_observers.begin();\
it != m_observers.end(); it++ )\…
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Spectacular failure ( success? ) at IEEEXtreme
Solved 2/12 problems in the first set successfully. Tried to solve 2 more, but not accepted. Can't take the straight concentration anymore. I'm hungry, dropping the contest. This was more appropriate for twitter, but I don't have an account. :o…
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When you don't post for a long time, it usually means you have nothing interesting to do. But for me it usually means that I have a lot of things to do. And the last month have been horrible in terms of free time.
We had a really great one day trip to Diu, but from then on, it was all underhill :)
You might want to check out the Synapse website which was crafted from scratch with a little help from these guys.…
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